Michigan Lawyer Blog

What Type of Compensation Could I Receive in a Pedestrian Accident?


Personal Injury Results







In any car accident involving a pedestrian, the pedestrian is the most likely to suffer serious, if not deadly, consequences. Pedestrians lack the physical barriers and protective devices that drivers and passengers have, which makes them especially prone to significant injuries in a crash. Depending on the nature of the collision, a pedestrian struck by a car could suffer broken bones, spinal injuries, traumatic brain injuries, lacerations, and any number of other injuries.

If you were involved in a car accident as a pedestrian, make sure you know your rights and find out how you could be compensated. This blog covers the compensation a pedestrian can receive after an accident. For more information on your rights and affordable legal guidance, contact Goodman Acker, P.C., at 248-286-8100.

Why choose the Goodman Acker, P.C. legal team?

As mentioned, pedestrian accidents often have devastating consequences for the pedestrian. If you or a loved one was injured in a pedestrian accident, you need a skilled and experienced legal team. This is what you get with Goodman Acker, P.C. With decades of experience and a wealth of knowledge on Michigan laws and legal systems, we can help you hold the responsible party accountable and recover fair compensation.

Our winning track record and millions of dollars recovered through settlements and verdicts are a testament to this, so do not hesitate to contact us. We offer free case reviews.

We are passionate about our clients’ cases and dedicate time and resources to giving them excellent representation.

What compensation can you receive after a pedestrian accident?

As an injured pedestrian in Michigan, you can receive different types of compensation based on the type of claim you are filing. If you sustained minor injuries and applied for No-Fault benefits, your auto insurance company or the driver who hit you will pay you benefits for the following:

  • All reasonable medical bills

  • Reimbursement for lost wages due to disability

  • Replacement service expenses (such as domestic tasks).

Note that No-Fault insurance benefits extend to pedestrians when the accident involves a motor vehicle, such as a car or truck. In other words, as long as the motorist is insured, or if you are insured, your damages should be compensated through your insurance. However, if the accident led to severe injuries, a disfigurement, or a disability, you can file a third-party claim or lawsuit.

The compensation received after a pedestrian accident provides a financial lifeline for injured victims, especially if their injuries keep them from working.

A third-party claim or lawsuit allows you to seek other compensation from the at-fault driver. You can receive pain and suffering damages, payment of excess medical expenses, and reimbursement for excess lost wages. However, seeking compensation can be complex and is best handled by an experienced pedestrian accident lawyer.

Finally, if the pedestrian dies in the accident, their legal beneficiaries, through the deceased’s estate representative, can file for and receive survivor loss benefits. The money paid will then be shared among all the legal beneficiaries. Our attorneys can explain how this works more fully when you come for a consultation.

Get the help you need from Goodman Acker, P.C. team

If you or someone you love was injured in a pedestrian accident, make sure you take immediate action to defend your legal rights. Our attorneys at Goodman Acker, P.C. are prepared to fight for maximum compensation on your behalf. We have done this for numerous clients and have recorded success.

We work on a contingency fee basis, so you don’t have to worry about paying us until we secure a favorable outcome. Contact us at 248-286-8100 to learn more about how we can help you.
