Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog

Social Security written on chalkboard

How Much Does a Social Security Disability Attorney Cost?

Most people know Social Security as a federal program that provides retirement income. Another important part of the social insurance provided by Social Security is for people who suffer disabling injuries that prevent them from working in whole or in part. The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs are designed […]

Yellow School Bus with Stop Sign

New Michigan Bus Laws – October 2021

According to the Michigan State Police Office of Highway Safety Planning, most school bus-related deaths and injuries involve children struck by a bus or injured when they are exiting the bus to cross traffic. In 2020 alone, Michigan reported 461 crashes involving school buses. To protect Michigan’s children, the state’s Legislature enacted rules limiting drivers’ […]

Disability Lawyer Michigan

How Do I Find a Good Disability Lawyer in Michigan?

If you have a disability keeping you out of work, you likely checked your eligibility and applied for disability benefits. It is important to remember that state agencies commonly deny applicants’ first submission. After a denial, you have the opportunity to begin the appeal process. There are no requirements to have legal representation in disability […]

PLPD Insurance - Car Crash

What is PLPD Insurance?

As a driver in Michigan, you have several responsibilities that must be fulfilled legally. You need to have a valid driver’s license and carry a minimum amount of insurance. If either of these responsibilities is not met, you could find yourself in trouble with the law. You know that you get a driver’s license from […]

picture of US currency

Should I Accept the First Offer on a Personal Injury Claim?

Being involved in an accident can be scary and overwhelming, and filing a personal injury claim can add to your stress. It’s challenging to know just how much you should ask for when it comes to compensation for your injuries, lost wages, and more. If you or someone you love has been involved in an […]

Pain and Suffering Payout

How Much Do Insurance Companies Pay for Pain and Suffering?

Personal injuries can happen to anyone, anywhere, and in many different ways. You may have been injured in an automobile accident, experienced a slip and fall accident, or were the victim of medical malpractice. Any of these instances, and more, are grounds to hire a personal injury lawyer to seek compensation for damages, including medical […]

What is the average payout for a personal injury claim

What Is the Average Payout for a Personal Injury Claim?

If you’ve been seriously injured, you may want to consider filing a personal injury claim. A settlement from a personal injury case can help you financially as well as physically and mentally when it comes to your recovery. However, knowing how much to ask for can be challenging. An experienced personal injury attorney can not […]

Michigan Bicycle Laws 2021

Michigan Bicycle Laws in 2021

When the weather warms up, you may want to get out there and enjoy a leisurely bike ride, or perhaps you cycle for exercise. Before you go, take some time to brush up on Michigan bicycling laws. Bicyclists are expected to obey the same traffic laws as cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Likewise, if you break […]


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