Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog

What Qualifies as a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Michigan?

What Qualifies as a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Michigan?

Handling the death of a loved one can be extremely difficult. This is especially true when someone else’s negligence caused your loved one’s death. Their careless or reckless behavior may have stolen years of life from someone you love. You are likely dealing with significant grief but also the stress of everything that has changed […]

Michigan Negligence Laws

How Do Negligence Laws in Michigan Work?

The rule of law governs your actions. When your actions harm another person or entity, negligence laws apply. A roommate may forget to turn off the coffeepot when leaving for work or classes. A neighbor has yet to take down the dead tree in the front yard near the sidewalk. The driver has not used […]

Blurred Image of an Ambulance Racing Down a Road at Night

What Is Ambulance Chasing and Why Is It Illegal?

When injured in an accident, victims may be susceptible to unscrupulous “ambulance chasing” tactics and have subpar legal representation. Called “case runners,” ambulance chasers use aggressive tactics to get personal information about accident victims and steer them toward the certain attorneys and doctors who pay the chasers well. Since accident victims are in a crisis, […]

How Do You Prove Fault in A Slip and Fall Case?

How Do You Prove Fault in A Slip and Fall Case?

Slip-and-fall accidents, when someone loses their footing on a slippery, loose, uneven, or otherwise unsafe surface, occur all too often in Michigan. Injuries that result may be serious and include broken bones, head, neck, and spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and even death. Survivors may require extensive treatment such as physical therapy and surgery, […]

Guardrail on Vacant Rural Highway Road

Most Dangerous Highways in Michigan

When driving on Michigan’s highways and interstates, none of us expects to end up in an auto accident. However, depending on where you are traveling, you could have a higher chance of being involved in a crash. Some of the most dangerous highways in Michigan include Interstate 96, Interstate 94, and Interstate 75. Although you […]

Can You Sue If You Fall on Private Property?

In Michigan, winter weather can cause slick conditions on sidewalks and other walking areas. But can you sue if you fall on private property? State law provides victims who suffer injuries in a fall on private property with the right to seek damages against the property owner. However, you do have to prove that the […]


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