Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog


Road Safety 101: What You Need To Know About Back-Up Cameras

Back up cameras are among the safety features that auto manufacturers are now installing as standard equipment in many newer model vehicles to give drivers an extra set of eyes. With back up cameras, the hope is that countless catastrophic car accidents and fatal collisions will be avoided. According to Kidsandcars.org, more than 50 children […]

Road Safety 101: How to Avoid Collisions with Wildlife

Michigan drivers are no strangers to wildlife on the highways – deer, opossums, coyotes and even dogs and cats can cause serious car accidents involving damage to vehicles and injury to passengers. If a deer suddenly darts onto a highway congested with traffic, a collision may be unavoidable. But there are some steps you can […]

Meet Attorney Ronita Bahri &Learn About Chaldean Culture

Detroit is a culturally and ethnically diverse area with people of many backgrounds and cultures who often have specific legal needs. For people for whom English is a second language, it may sometimes be helpful to speak with an attorney who can communicate with you in your native language. Goodman Acker, P.c. recently welcomed Attorney Ronita […]

What is the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association?

Michigan is one of the very few states in the United States that gives us the great advantage of providing no-fault benefits to victims injured in automobile accidents. No-fault benefits are paid for by the insurance company and can include reimbursement for lost wages, attendant care, transportation costs to and from medical appointments, and most importantly unlimited […]

Evidence to Help You Win a Car Accident Lawsuit in Michigan

For victims who have suffered injuries in a Michigan car accident, filing a claim can unfortunately be a difficult process. It may seem obvious to those that are injured that they are in pain and deserve compensation for their medical bills and other treatment necessary for their recovery. However, the insurance companies do not care […]

3 Types of Collision Coverage in Michigan

Michigan law requires you to have no-fault automobile insurance coverage on your car. However, what many drivers do not realize is that no-fault insurance pays only for injuries resulting from an automobile accident (regardless of who is at fault), and for vehicle damage up to a certain amount. In order to ensure you have coverage […]

Preventing Pedestrian Traffic Accident Death & Injury

Although deaths from pedestrian traffic accidents have decreased over the last 40 years, injuries from these types of accidents have increased in recent years. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that there were roughly 66,000 pedestrian injuries due to car accidents in 2013, which is a roughly 20% increase from 2009. With this in […]


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