Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog


Vehicle Safety Kits: What They Are & Why You Need One

The holiday season is the most heavily trafficked two months of the year, and subsequently, prone to more traffic accidents. According to Geico, one of the best was to prep for heavy traffic and bad weather is a vehicle safety kit. Safety kits can prepare you for car accidents and bad-weather driving alike, and may help you minimize the aftermath […]

Follow These Tips for Safer Driving in Holiday Traffic

With the holidays coming up, families and friends are making plans to gather together to celebrate. For many, this means packing up the car and hitting the road. As many people are already familiar, holiday road trips almost always come with a healthy dose of holiday traffic. Between the quantity of people on the road […]

Are Hand-Free Devices Safe While Driving?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states in 2012, 3,328 people suffered fatal injuries and 421,000 people sustained serious harm in accidents involving a distracted driver. Most people understand how dangerous it is for a person to remove their hands from the steering wheel while driving. Of course, this is even more dangerous if […]

Do Forced Arbitration Clauses Limit Access to Justice?

A growing number of businesses and corporations are turning to arbitration clauses to shield themselves from liability. These clauses are usually hidden deep within consumer or employment contracts, including job offers, cell phone or cable service agreements, and even nursing home contracts. Unfortunately, many people who sign these contracts remain unaware they have forfeited their […]

Michigan Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Explained

At Goodman Acker, P.C., our Michigan medical malpractice lawyers represent patients who’ve been harmed or seriously injured as a result of a doctor, physician, nurse, or other medical professional’s error. Patients who suffer serious injuries are entitled to compensation for their pain and suffering, as well as reimbursement for their medical bills. Families of those […]

Michigan Senate Bill May Prevent Dog Breed Discrimination

Michigan Senate Bill 239 would prevent dog breed discrimination by prohibiting local communities from banning or regulating specific dog breeds. Currently under Michigan state law, local communities are permitted to enact their own ordinances to regulate dog breeds. If this bill were to pass, local ordinances would no longer have that control. The legislation however […]

Did You Know We Cater to Clients of Middle Eastern Descent?

Personalized Assistance After a Michigan Accident Detroit is home to one of the largest Arab American communities in the United States. People of Arabic descent from Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and other countries enrich Detroit’s cultural fabric. In fact, Arab Americans and people from the Middle East represent such a significant portion of the population […]


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