Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog


A Beginner’s Guide to the Personal Injury Case Process

Have you been injured in an accident? You may have questions about what happens next. You may be wondering, “is my case worth anything?” “Will it go to trial?” “I don’t know anything about the legal process, so who can I turn to for help with my claim?” Rest assured that the Detroit personal injury […]

How Winter Weather Influences Your Car Accident Claim

Michigan drivers are no strangers to poor driving conditions during harsh winters. Heavy rain or snow can decrease visibility, and the presence of black ice decreases traction on the roadways, contributing to hydroplaning and skidding. Thick fog or strong winds are other factors that make driving more hazardous. Countless car accidents occur during the winter months that […]

Don’t Let a Drunk Driving Accident Ruin Your Holidays

Holidays can be a risky time for highway travel no matter where you live. With more people on the road and a larger proportion of drivers impaired by alcohol, drivers face an increased risk of being involved in an accident. Goodman Acker P.C. has put together the following infographic with eye-opening statistics to remind you […]

Expressway Exit Ramp Car Accidents

Car accidents occurring on expressways are unfortunately quite common in the State of Michigan. I-75, I-94, and I-696 are notorious for highway crashes. But what happens when a driver exits the expressway? Motor vehicle accidents occurring on an exit ramp off the expressway is not as common as a highway collision; however it can be […]

Can I Get Compensation for a Shopping Mall Injury?

With the holidays fast approaching, shopping malls are seeing a lot of traffic. The holiday rush to buy presents can get hectic, and unfortunately, people can get hurt if the mall they shop at has not taken precautions to prevent injury. In order to ensure the safety of each guest, property owners and store personnel […]

Information for DUI Accident Victims: Know Your Rights

A car accident caused by a drunk driver can be a terrifying time for an individual. The injuries that can result from the irresponsible behavior of another person can be a major source of disruption to a person’s life, affecting their ability to work, earn money, or complete everyday tasks. Expenses can quickly pile up for an […]


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