Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog


What Is the Most Common Complication of a Head Injury After an Accident?

Accidents are frightening and upsetting events, especially when you end up injured. If that injury involves your head, it can change how you think, feel, and live in the world — sometimes forever. Traumatic brain injury (TBI)  is the most common complication of a head injury after an accident. A traumatic brain injury is mild […]

Determining Fault in Motorcycle Accidents

When a motorcycle accident happens, there are several things to consider, including who might be at fault for the crash. This is more so when the accident involves a car, truck, or pedestrian and a motorcycle. Identifying the at-fault party also helps determine who to file a claim against. In this blog, our motorcycle accident […]

Dog Bite Injuries & Provocation

Even the most docile animals can be unpredictable. Dogs who are triggered to attack may seem like otherwise kind animals. However, dogs can attack quickly and without hesitation when provoked, whether intentionally or not. Such attacks can lead to severe contusions, puncture wounds, broken bones, or even death. If a dog bite injured you after […]

6 Tips to Avoid a Motorcycle Accident

Riding a motorcycle can be a fun and exhilarating experience, especially if you are a thrill seeker. Some motorcycle riders are known for speeding and disobeying traffic rules. The downside of these actions is that they can lead to a motorcycle accident. While not all motorcycle accidents are the motorcyclist’s fault, and the injured rider […]

Labor & Delivery Complications Everyone Should Look For

During the birthing process, complications can arise. Mothers, fathers, other family members, and medical staff should be aware of any pain or conditions that do not seem normal when a baby is about to be born. Some labor and delivery complications can be resolved with medication or cesarean section (C-section) delivery. If not treated properly, […]

Lasting Damage Caused By Brain Injuries: What You Need To Know

One of the injuries people suffer in high-impact collisions or slip-and-fall accidents is a brain injury. Brain injuries result from a violent blow or jolt to the head and body and are often called traumatic brain injuries (TBI). A brain injury is classified as catastrophic because it has long-lasting effects that affect a person’s quality […]

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim in Michigan?

When you lose a loved one as the result of a negligent act in Michigan, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim. A successful claim means you can receive compensation, including money for the deceased’s burial and funeral expenses. However, not everyone can file a wrongful death. To be eligible to file […]

Bicycle Safety – What You Need to Know

The Michigan State Police and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) often encourage all road users, including bicyclists and motorists, to obey traffic rules and respect each other’s right of way. However, not every bicyclist knows or applies the safety rules when on the roadway. This article looks at bicycle safety in Michigan and […]

Car Accidents: Top Mistakes New Drivers Make

When people get their driver’s license for the first time, especially as a teen, they are excited to get behind the wheel and drive without the supervision of their driving instructor. But new drivers often make mistakes that result in a traffic accident. What are these mistakes, and can they be avoided? This blog discusses […]


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