Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog

Mark Brewer

Goodman Acker Attorney Leads Michigan to Victory on Voter’s Rights – Straight Ticket Voting Still Allowed after Federal Court Denial

The U.S. District Court and Court of Appeals recently issued opinions that kept the straight party voting option available to Michigan voters in the November election. Straight party voting has been Michigan law since 1891 and allows voters to select all candidates of their desired party with one mark. Millions of voters use it. Michigan […]

Labor Day Accident Statistics

On any given day, there is a possibility of car crashes due to a number of reasons. However, there are some times when the potential risks are increased, especially on certain holidays for which barbecues, get-togethers, and parties become more common. With us being just a few weeks from Labor Day, it is important to […]

Mark Brewer

Mark Brewer Featured in Detroit News

A new article by the Detroit News details the latest lawsuit regarding the state’s straight-ticket ban, which would prohibit the straight-ticket voting and allow for party-line option on this fall’s ballots. Attorney Mark Brewer, along with Mary Ellen Gurewitz, represented the plaintiff in the hearing, the Michigan chapter of the A. Philip Randolph Institute. They argued against […]


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