Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog


Understanding Responsibility as the Host of a New Year’s Celebration

As many already know, New Year’s Eve brings about the largest parties and celebrations of the year. While this can be an enjoyable evening to spend with family, friends, and other close loved ones from the comfort of your own home, it is important you understand liabilities to ensure you and your guests are protected. […]

Understanding Michigan’s Dram Shop Laws

According to Michigan’s dram shop laws, which are explained in the Compiled Laws section 436.1801, vendors can be held responsible for alcohol-related accidents if the action of the vendor (bar, restaurant, shop, or other seller) providing the alcoholic product was a foreseeable cause of the injuries suffered. However, the vendor’s liability is not automatic. Before […]

Michigan Enhances 911 Services Statewide

Recently, Lt. Governor Brian Calley announced that enhanced 911 services are now available to communities across the state of Michigan with funding from the Fiscal Year 2017 budget. This change came as the result of a recommendation provided by the Mental Health and Wellness Commission, who suggested that response time in emergency situations can be […]

Barry Goodman Participates in Distinguished Clown Corps at the America’s Thanksgiving Parade®

For the third consecutive year, Attorney Barry Goodman will be participating in the Distinguished Clown Corps at the America’s Thanksgiving Parade® in Downtown Detroit, Michigan. For more than three decades, more than 2,000 clowns have made touched the hearts of many individuals as they make their yearly appearance, sharing their smiles that create memories for millions. This […]

Medical Provider Reimbursement Case Moves to Michigan Supreme Court

  Can doctors, medical service providers, and hospitals file suits against no-fault insurers seeking payment for services they have rendered to individuals in car accidents? If they can, can these medical providers safeguard their rights to reimbursement by sending written notices to no-fault insurers regarding their intent to collect pay on their own? The Michigan […]

Farm Bureau Insurance Company’s “Helmetless Motorcyclist” Defense is Rejected by Court of Appeals

According to the Michigan Court of Appeals, an uninsured motorcycle rider who was not wearing a helmet at the time of his deadly crash was not excluded from recovering no-fault insurance benefits. This decision came as a result of Estate of Swick v Farm Bureau Insurance Company. The Case The motorcyclist suffered fatal injuries when the […]

Wealth & Finance International Names Goodman Acker P.C. Best Personal Injury Law Firm

Our team of Detroit personal injury lawyers at Goodman Acker P.C. is pleased to announce that Wealth & Finance International has named us Best Personal Injury Law Firm in Michigan. Similar to the other award programs that Wealth & Finance International produces, the 2016 Business Awards are awarded on merit alone. Such recognition signifies a firm’s ceaseless efforts to […]

Mark Brewer Files Lawsuit to Seek a One-Person Grand Jury Investigation Against Governor in Flint Water Crisis

On Tuesday, October 11th, Goodman Acker Attorney Mark Brewer filed a one-person jury complaint against Governor Rick Snyder over his use of public taxpayer funds to hire private attorneys for his criminal defense regarding the Flint water case. According to the complaint, Gov. Snyder bypassed all state laws governing procurement of goods and services when he signed a […]

Goodman Acker P.C. Settles Detroit Left-Turn Accident Lawsuit

Our Detroit personal injury lawyers have successfully collected no-fault benefits and settled a third party claim to “fairly and adequately compensate” a client for the injuries, physical pain, and suffering she suffered as a result of a left-turn vehicle collision. Additionally, compensation will cover our client’s applicable interests, costs, and attorney fees. Our client, the Plaintiff, […]


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