Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog


What is My SSDI Application Status?

If you are filing an application with the Social Security Administration, you should not expect a speedy response. In fact, the average application can take two to four months to come to a full resolution, and even then it could take longer. So it’s not uncommon for clients to ask us what the status of […]

When are my SSDI Payment Dates?

Part of financial security is being able to anticipate when you can expect to receive your income payments, and creating your budget around these payments to help you make living decisions. Social Security is no different; the Social Security Administration has set up a very specific set of rules and dates with which people can expect to […]

Blurred Image of an Ambulance Racing Down a Road at Night

Lawyers Who Chase Ambulances May Not Be Able to Charge Clients

Recently, the topic of “Ambulance chasing,” or as its legally known in Michigan, Running and Capping, has been in the spotlight. A TV Attorney has been charged by the Attorney Grievance Commission of engaging in this sort of unethical (and potentially illegal) behavior. While that attorney will have his day in court in the coming weeks, it’s […]

Am I Seated Too Closely to the Steering Wheel?

When you are hopping in your car to head to work, do you ever consider the position in which you sit in relation to the steering wheel? Chances are, you don’t. In fact, most drivers probably get behind the wheel without giving their driving position any thought. However, the placement in which you sit can […]

Playground Safety: Keep Your Children

With spring season just around the corner, many people are getting excited about the warmer weather. With warmer weather comes the ability to easily enjoy the outdoors with friends and family. For those with children, spring season can mean afternoons and weekends at the park with their kids. While a park can be an enjoyable […]

The Dangers of Defective Airbags

Most people have experienced a car accident at least once in their lives. When a collision does occur, one of the most useful products deploys to protect a driver and passenger from serious harm. As you may have already guessed, this product is the airbag. Such an invention is responsible for saving a countless number of lives […]

Goodman Acker, P.C. Selected to be Part of “Lawyers of Distinction”

Our team of Detroit personal injury lawyers at Goodman Acker, P.C. are pleased to announce that we have been selected to be part of “Lawyers of Distinction”. All lawyers who meet the rigid requirements of the screening process have established a high degree of professional competence and recognition amongst their peers, allowing them to gain […]

Failure to Diagnose Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, is a serious condition which if left untreated can lead to bone damage and tooth loss. If you are currently living with this condition, you are not alone. Millions of Americans are reported to be living with and managing gum disease. While there are many risk factors for […]

Jordan B. Acker Receives Up & Coming Lawyers Award

Jordan B. Acker, attorney and Director of Business Development at Goodman Acker P.C., recently received the Up & Coming Lawyers Award, Class of 2016 from Michigan Lawyers Weekly. This is an award bestowed upon legal practitioners who are in their first 10 years of practice and have exhibited ambition, drive, and determination in a way that […]


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