Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog


Attorney Barry Goodman Selected to the National Association of Distinguished Counsel’s “Nation’s Top One Percent”

Our firm, Goodman Acker P.C., is thrilled to announce our very own Attorney Barry Goodman has been selected to the National Association of Distinguished Counsel’s “Nation’s Top One Percent” award. The organization is devoted to encouraging the highest standards of legal excellence, making it an incredible accomplishment for any legal professional to be awarded with […]

Are SSDI Recipients Eligible for Medicaid?

While Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) recipients can get Medicare coverage, they are not able to receive Medicaid coverage. Only people with Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits are eligible for Medicaid. In the state of Michigan, if you receive SSI benefits, you will automatically be enrolled in Medicaid coverage. What Is Medicaid? Medicaid is a […]

Traffic Safety Tips for Back-to-School

When it’s time for our children to go back to school, it comes as no surprise we worry about their health and safety, as they are no longer under our care. What’s even more concerning is the pick-up and drop-off process, as school zones are some of the busiest and most hectic streets in town. […]

How Much Compensation Can You Claim in a Birth Injury Lawsuit?

Preventable birth injures resulting from the negligence of doctors, nurses, or other health care providers can have devastating and, in some cases, life-altering consequences. In addition to profound and emotional losses, many victims and families can find themselves facing exorbitant costs related to the medical care and future needs their child will require as they […]

Are Car Accident Settlements Public Record?

If you have been involved in a car accident, a question that may be running through your mind is whether or not car accident settlements are public record. The answer, generally speaking, is no. In rare exceptions, a judge may unseal or open a confidential settlement, but the confidentiality of a settlement is normally agreed upon […]

What Is Whiplash & How Long Does It Last?

If you have been injured in a car accident, there is a good chance you may have a slight, or even severe, case of whiplash. While the name is common, many people don’t know what whiplash actually is and how long it lasts. Our Detroit car accident attorneys at Goodman Acker P.C. provide information to help […]

What Should I Do After a Car Accident?

If you have ever been in a car crash, you know the confusion and chaos that can ensue. Knowing what steps to take after an accident can help you be calm, prepared, and safe. Our Detroit car accident lawyers at Goodman Acker P.C. care about every client and encourage everyone to stay informed about what […]

How are Car Accident Settlements Paid?

One of the most common types of personal injury claims filed in America are those originating from car accidents. Traffic collisions have become so frequent, you are more likely to know someone who has been in an accident, or have been in one yourself, than not. With all of these car accident claims being filed, how […]

What to Do When a Car Accident Isn’t Your Fault

A car accident that you did not cause is still a car accident that will be a problem for you. Plenty of issues and complications are sure to arise, but you can try to mitigate them by knowing what to do ahead of time. Otherwise, you might find yourself simply guessing and making mistakes after being in […]


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