Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog


School Zone Accidents & Your Rights

Everyone knows how hectic school zones can be. You’ve got parents in a rush to drop off their children and then head to work. Then you’ve got the kids that live close enough to walk, running across the street to get into school on time. The commotion can be stressful on a driver, but it’s […]

Tips for Avoiding Slip & Falls This Winter

In Michigan, the magic of winter brings downhill skiing and snowboarding, dog sledding, ice fishing and other fun snow activities, but not everything is gold. During the winter, slip and fall accidents increase due to the ice and snow that create slippery surfaces on the sidewalks, porches, and driveways. If you live in an area […]

Halloween Safety Tips to Avoid Accidents & Injuries

Halloween is a fun time of year. Decorations go up, haunted houses advertise spooky thrills, and thousands of trick-or-treaters around the country go out in search of a sugar rush. However, with all the extra activities and people visiting your property, safety hazards can result in serious injuries. If you as the homeowner are aware […]

Top 5 Mistakes People Make After a Truck Accident

Being involved in a commercial truck accident is a scary and stressful experience. Many people are not prepared, and make decisions that put their ability to seek compensation in jeopardy. After an accident, there are several common mistakes you should avoid. Our firm has guided numerous clients to successful financial solutions for injuries sustained in […]

Can Marriage Affect My SSDI Eligibility?

If you are considering marriage, there are several things you need to consider. Marriage, or remarriage, could influence your ability to continue receiving Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) benefits. Depending on the situation, your SSDI eligibility may be terminated. Here’s what you need to know: How Marriage May Affect Your SSDI Eligibility If you are […]


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