Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog


Common Types of Medical Malpractice Cases

When you go to the doctor’s office or hospital for medical treatment, the last thing you expect is for the doctors or nurses to make a mistake while caring for you. Just like anyone else, healthcare professionals aren’t perfect and they can slip-up, but, because right and wrong in their profession is often a matter […]

Uninsured Motorist Benefits

Did you know that one out of every five drivers is not insured? This means that if you were to sustain injuries in an accident you might not be able to receive the help you need. However, if you add uninsured motorist coverage to your policy, you can avoid finding yourself in a terrible predicament. […]

Medical Malpractice Action Filed against Children’s Hospital of Michigan for Bedsores

Goodman Acker, P.C. has served Children’s Hospital of Michigan with a Notice of Intent to Sue regarding negligent medical treatment to a minor child who was under their care. The alleged malpractice resulted in the child suffering from significant decubitus ulcers, which required long term medical care and treatment. The Situation Our client, then age 15, was […]

Understanding Brain Injuries & Car Accidents

Car accidents can be extremely damaging and can result in serious injuries to the driver, passengers, and any pedestrians or bicyclists involved. Some common injuries include spinal injuries, broken bones, lacerations, serious bruises, muscle tears and sprains, and head injuries. Head injuries are among the most damaging injuries because they can cause serious cognitive damage […]

Inkster Car Accident Lawsuit Filed for Head-On Collision

We believe negligent and reckless drivers must be held accountable in court. Our firm has filed a lawsuit on behalf of our injured client, who was involved in a head-on collision with another driver. We are committed to providing the best possible representation and are fighting for justice on her behalf. The Situation In December 2016, our […]

Understanding Tire Defects & Recalls

If car parts are in any way faulty or broken, they could become extremely dangerous and may lead to serious or fatal accidents. One of the most common types of vehicle defects has to do with faulty tires. In fact, tire defects cause an estimated 10,000 crashes on United States roads each year. Tires are […]

7 Bicycle Safety Tips Everyone Should Know

Bicyclist Safety Tips Being a cyclist can be dangerous. With potential dangers like careless drivers, weather hazards, poorly maintained roads, and other threats, it is important that all bicyclists use caution to avoid unnecessary accidents. While cars tend to be the most prominent threat to cyclists by the roadside, there are other dangers at large. […]

Common Birth Injuries & How They’re Caused

No parent expects the happy event of their child’s birth to be marred by serious or fatal injuries, especially when those injuries were preventable. Unfortunately, all too many parents experience the concern, confusion, and anger that comes with caring for a child with a birth injury. Parents want the best for their children, and when the […]

Wrongful Death Lawsuits: The Basics

f your loved one’s death was caused by another, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim. Wrongful death lawsuits are reserved for the family members of individuals whose death was caused by the carelessness or negligence of others. Because a deceased person is unable to fight for justice or compensation for themselves, their […]


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