Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog


Common Reasons for Distracted Driving

Statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration tell us that more at least 3,450 individuals died in distracted driving crashes in 2016 alone, while countless more suffered injuries. According to some experts, that rate may even be on the rise. Distracted driving is a well-known hazard, yet these accidents continue to occur—why? It can be difficult […]

Do Motorcyclists Qualify for No-Fault Insurance Benefits?

The Michigan no-fault insurance law helps injured motorists cover the cost of damages in most motor vehicle accidents. However, these laws don’t necessarily extend to all different types of vehicles on the road. Motorcycles, for one, are not covered under the Michigan no-fault law, which means motorcyclists may not receive compensation after a crash. If […]

The Aftermath Of A Truck Accident – What Steps Should I Take?

Steps You Need to Take After a Truck Accident The aftermath of a truck accident can be a nightmare, but there are steps you can take to make it better. Large trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, so they can do considerable damage when involved in a crash. It is no wonder that victims […]

5 Common Causes of Trucking Accidents

Due to their large size, commercial trucks can be extremely damaging when involved in an accident. Weighing in at roughly 80,000 pounds, semi trucks can be difficult to control, especially if something in the truck or on the road compromises the vehicle’s ability to travel safely. When a truck accident occurs, it is a serious […]


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