Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog


Who Can Claim Social Security Disability?

Are you wondering if you can file for Social Security disability benefits? Below, our legal professionals explain what you need to know about the SSI process and how to obtain the benefits you are entitled to. How Do I Get Social Security Disability? You can obtain Social Security disability through the following programs: Social Security Disability […]

What Constitutes a Catastrophic Injury?

Although the definition of “catastrophic injury” can vary, the term is generally accepted to classify a category of injuries that severely debilitate a victim’s ability to perform as they did pre-injury. A catastrophic injury may disrupt a victim’s ability to work, engage in leisure activities, or complete other tasks. In addition to physical injuries, catastrophic […]

School Supplies Gift Giveaway

Goodman Acker Gives Thanks to our Teachers In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, Goodman Acker is thrilled to announce its School Supplies Gift Giveaway! Goodman Acker will be giving away two $250 gift cards to either Office Depot or Staples to two lucky teachers in Michigan! Public teachers play an instrumental role in making certain the children of our […]

Is the NCAA Responsible for Football Traumatic Brain Injuries?

Football has always been a rough, high-contact sport, but that doesn’t mean the players deserve to suffer brutal, lifelong injuries. Although football has been associated with concussions and traumatic brain injuries for years, it’s only recently that we’ve begun to see the link between football and lasting brain trauma. As a result, more people are […]

Who’s Really Responsible for Flood of No-Fault Lawsuits in Oakland County Courts?

Goodman Acker Partner Jordan Acker Demands that Insurers & Lawyers “Do Better” Many of you have probably read the article in Crain’s about the “flood” of suits into Oakland and Macomb County courts over the last few years. Read the article here. It’s something we as Plaintiff lawyers have seen, especially since the Covenant decision came down. Let […]


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