Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog


Goodman Acker’s Birth Injury Lawyers Are Prepared to Help You

Birth injuries are not always immediately recognizable. As parents notice their child’s failure to reach certain developmental milestones in early childhood, suspicions of birth trauma can arise. Fetal distress is a common complication that occurs in pregnancy and the delivery process. Fetal distress defines incidents in which a baby does not receive enough oxygen in […]

Do I Need a Car Accident Lawyer?

Why You Should Worry About Your Insurer? In the event of an accident, your auto insurance company or the at-fault driver’s insurer covers your losses. However, insurance companies are in the business of making money off customers paying their premiums. In order to protect their own best interests, insurance companies will find any way to […]

What Is ERISA and How Do I File a Claim?

Many employer-sponsored short-term and long-term disability insurance plans are governed by the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). ERISA regulations are in place to protect employees by establishing standards for how plan sponsors must handle benefits and claims. Your Summary Plan Description will outline the process for filing a disability claim. If your plan […]

Dents in front right of silver hybrid car after car accident

7 Common Car Accident Injuries

Injuries that occur during a car accident can be severe and disrupt a victim’s life. Individuals who are hurt in a motor vehicle collision may need surgery, long-term treatment, and could be unable to return to work for an extended period. Seven of the most common injuries sustained through a vehicle collision include: Broken bones […]

Trucking Industry Regulations

Like any job type and occupation, there are certain rules and regulations that those in the trucking industry must abide by to ensure they are operating in a safe manner. The federal regulations are designed to ensure that drivers, workers, owners, and even manufacturers put public safety first. Unfortunately, the trucking industry also has a […]

How Do I File a No-Fault Insurance Claim?

There are two classes of liability — and associated insurance plans — in car accident law. “At-fault” car insurance, which is the norm in the majority of states, assigns liability to one party in a collision. Generally, whoever is deemed liable is responsible for covering the expenses associated with victims’ injuries (some state laws are […]


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