Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog


Attorney Mark Brewer Fighting to Keep Minimum Wage & Paid Sick Leave on the Ballot

Attorney Mark Brewer presented oral argument to the Michigan Supreme Court opposing legislative gutting of the minimum wage and paid sick leave initiatives adopted by the Legislature last year. In September of 2018, the Republican-led Legislature adopted laws proposed by initiative petition increasing the state’s minimum wage from $9.25 to $12 by 2022, raising tipped workers’ […]

Can I Sue Someone for Failing to Provide Adequate Security?

Premises liability laws protect people who are injured because of another party’s negligent property management. Under these laws, injury victims can sue a home or business owner for the damages that resulted from their carelessness. Often, premises liability cases involve incidents such as slip-and-fall accidents that result from a property owner’s failure to repair a safety […]

I Was Injured at an AirBnB – Can I seek Compensation?

Airbnb is a popular website that allows people to, essentially, convert their homes into hotels. Hosts can list their property on Airbnb, decide on a nightly rate, and begin allowing tourists and renters to stay in their residence for a temporary period. The business has provided an alternative to the traditional hotel model for people […]

The Catastrophic Nature of a Trucking Accident

Different types of vehicles are involved in road accidents, but no crashes are as dangerous as those involving large trucks — that is, 18-wheelers or semi-trucks that weigh up to 80,000 pounds. Due to their size, these vehicles can cause catastrophic damage in a traffic accident. In this article, our Detroit truck accident lawyers discuss […]

More Accurate Concussion Detection Method is in Testing

Mild traumatic brain injuries (TBI), which are more commonly referred to as concussions, can cause long-term effects to an injury victim’s behavior and cognitive ability if not properly treated. To prevent the complications that can arise from a mild TBI, early detection is essential. A concussion that is detected in a timely manner can be addressed […]


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