Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog


What Is and Is Not Covered by No-Fault Car Insurance

After an accident is not necessary. Although no-fault insurance can be used to cover damages following collisions in these states, most plans do not cover everything. It is important to know what specific damages are covered under your insurance plan, and what kinds of damages may require other sources of coverage. About No-Fault Insurance No-fault coverage is […]

Hours of Service Regulations for Truckers Suspended

In response to an increased demand for supplies amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, hours of service regulations have been suspended. These regulations, established by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), define the amount of time that truck drivers can safely stay on the road during a shift. Hours of service regulations minimize driver fatigue and […]

Lockdowns and Empty Roads Cause Increase in Driver Speeds

As the spread of COVID-19 has prompted mandatory closures of schools, businesses, and workplaces, the nation’s streets have been relatively empty when compared to pre-pandemic levels of traffic. The open roads have led to more drivers speeding or otherwise behaving recklessly. As a result, people who are driving at this time may be at a […]


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