- June 18, 2014

These safety tips include:
- Leave strange dogs alone
- Never approach any dog while it is eating, sleeping, or caring for puppies
- Never try to pet a dog until you have let it see you and smell you
- Never leave children alone with any dog
- Never be aggressive with a dog, stare it in the eye, or run from it
- If a dog does attack, stay still
- If a dog knocks you down, roll into a ball to protect yourself
More importantly than you being aware, if you or someone you care about have children, it is vital that these tips are understood by them as well. This is because many children believe dogs to be their friends, and while the saying goes a dog is a "man's best friend" it only takes a second for an animal to inflict injury and without warning.
In fact, statistics prove that children between the ages of five and nine are the most vulnerable to attacks. Additionally, the State of Michigan is the sixth highest nationally for its 181 dog bite claims.
Injuries resulting from a dog attack can result in very serious injuries, even fatal for children. It is important that if you or your loved one was recently attacked by a dog in Michigan that you do not wait to consult with an experienced attorney. There are strict statute of limitations for these type of claims and waiting too long could mean that you will not be able to collect compensation for your injuries.
Goodman Acker P.C. is prepared to help you and your family if you have fallen victim to a dog attack in Michigan. If you or a family member was recently injured, call our expert attorneys today at (248) 286-8100 to discuss your dog bite claim. We have a complete understanding of the State laws that govern dog bite injuries and know how to successfully apply them to your case so you may get the best results. Call now for your Free, No Obligation Case Review!