Michigan Lawyer Blog

Category: Wrongful Death


Personal Injury Results


What Is Wrongful Death?

Losing a loved one is one of life’s most devastating experiences. When that loss happens because of someone else’s careless or wrongful actions, the pain can feel even more unbearable. You may find yourself grappling with questions about what to do next, how to hold the responsible party accountable, and how to seek justice for […]

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Wrongful Death Statute of Limitations

Losing a loved one because of someone else’s negligence or recklessness is among the hardest experiences anyone can face. Families who experience this loss may be eligible for financial recovery through a wrongful death claim, a legal avenue that offers compensation to address both economic and emotional losses.  An important aspect to understand is Michigan’s […]

How to Prove Negligence in a Wrongful Death Case?

Losing someone you care deeply about can be devastating. The relationship that you have with that person will be saved in photographs and cherished memories, but there will be a hole in your life because that person is not with you today. It is even harder to deal with if your loved one passed away […]

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim in Michigan?

When you lose a loved one as the result of a negligent act in Michigan, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim. A successful claim means you can receive compensation, including money for the deceased’s burial and funeral expenses. However, not everyone can file a wrongful death. To be eligible to file […]

Wrongful Death Lawsuits: The Basics

f your loved one’s death was caused by another, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim. Wrongful death lawsuits are reserved for the family members of individuals whose death was caused by the carelessness or negligence of others. Because a deceased person is unable to fight for justice or compensation for themselves, their […]

Parents of Baby Win Wrongful Death Lawsuit

It’s been said that a picture speaks a thousand words. The photos posted and shared at Marcello’s memorial reflected such thoughts as Angelic, Beautiful, Too Young, A Blessing. Nearly three years after 2 month old Marcello Vasquez’s death, his parents Jimmy and Natasha, received $500,000 in a wrongful death settlement from the Los Angeles City Council. While nothing can replace the […]


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