Michigan Lawyer Blog

Goodman Acker Blog


‘Selfies’ Become New Form of Distraction

Distracted driving has been on the rise since the emergence of smartphones and the popularity of social media. Texting and driving is one of the most common forms of distraction, accounting for 8% (44,518) of all non-fatal accidents in 2021. But texting is not the only dangerous form of distracted driving — taking selfies when […]

Do You Have a Slip and Fall Case?

People trip and slip daily with few consequences, but when another person’s error or negligence causes those incidents, you may have a personal injury case. Slip and fall cases are a type of personal injury lawsuit designed to help individuals who are seriously harmed after tripping, slipping, or falling. For example, someone might trip over […]

The Dangers of Distracted Driving

As technology use increases daily, it presents dangerous distractions to drivers. Combining other distractions such as eating and drinking, grooming, talking to passengers, and adjusting control panel switches with cell phone use can be a fatal mix. Every day in the U.S., an average of 9 people are killed, and about 3,000 people are killed […]

Tips To Keep Motorcyclists Visible When Sharing the Road

When motorcyclists share the roads with larger vehicles, they must remain highly visible. Failure to do so can result in severe injury and, in the worst cases, death. According to statistics, roughly half the motorcycle crashes involve drivers who fail to see motorcyclists on time. Many motorcycle accidents occur when drivers misjudge the speed and […]

What Causes Motorcycle Accidents?

Motorcycles can be exhilarating and extremely dangerous. Motorcycle accidents take the lives of nearly 5,000 people in the United States each year, and roughly 90,000 others are injured, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Because motorcyclists lack the same physical barriers individuals in passenger vehicles have, they are much more likely to be […]

Seeking Compensation for Emotional Trauma: What You Need To Know

After an injury due to another person’s negligence or recklessness, it is normal to seek compensation. You’ll receive expensive medical bills in the mail for medications, surgery, riding in an ambulance, and other treatments. On top of that, you might be out of work and without a steady income. A personal injury claim will allow […]

4 Questions To Ask Your Personal Injury Attorney

If you think you may have a personal injury claim, you must ensure the attorney representing your case matches you well. Finding the right attorney is more than finding someone with the right qualifications at the right price. You want to find a legal representative who can advise you, fight for your rights, and see […]

Are You Driving One of the Deadliest Vehicles?

When people buy new cars, safety is one of the most critical aspects of their search. However, it can be hard to decipher and compare safety information between car brands, leading many people to purchase dangerous vehicles unknowingly. Although the rate fatal car crash deaths has fallen because of new safety features, this issue should […]
