St. Clair Shores Truck Accident Lawyer


Accident Results






A St. Clair Shores truck accident is a frightening and life-changing event. Unfortunately, the sheer size and weight of trucks that travel Michigan highways and city streets can cause other road user’s significant harm.

If you or a loved one suffered severe injuries due to a negligent truck driver, a St. Clair Shores truck accident lawyer may be able to help you. In addition, fighting for the compensation you deserve is much easier with a lawyer in your corner.

Why Choose Us for Your Truck Accident Case?

Goodman Acker Fights for Truck Accident Victims

At Goodman Acker, we are a client-oriented firm that places clients first. We understand that our clients face lengthy recoveries and mounting medical costs. Many clients find it difficult or impossible to return to work.

We strive to help clients in the best ways possible by:

  • Providing free case consultations with 24/7 access to online forms
  • Relying upon our more than 150 years of combined experience
  • Successfully completing 99 percent of our cases.

Client testimonials support our client-first approach and demonstrate our commitment to securing the best outcome possible. Verdicts and settlements are among our proudest accomplishments, as we always fight aggressively against insurance companies and trucking companies.

A St. Clair Shores truck accident is a serious matter that deserves dedicated legal attention. If your accident injuries are due to negligence, seek help from a truck accident lawyer as soon as possible.

How Goodman Acker Helps Accident Victims

We Fight for You

Your truck accident attorney can manage the details of your claim or lawsuit. From dealing with insurance adjusters to investigating the accident, your attorney can remove the stressful elements of your case from your shoulders.

Goodman Acker helps accident victims in the following ways:

  • Obtaining and reviewing police reports and witness statements
  • Conducting witness interviews to learn more about the accident
  • Examining photographs or video of the accident scene
  • Compiling a comprehensive list of victim damages.

The civil process typically involves negotiating with an insurance company for a fair settlement. Most insurance companies prefer to avoid court to save time and costs. However, if your attorney feels a trial is necessary for your case, they will prepare you for the process.

Perhaps the most valuable way a team member can help you is by protecting your best interests. Unfortunately, accident victims are vulnerable due to their injuries and shock.

A settlement offer may appear attractive for those facing financial stress. However, these initial offers are generally low sums designed to protect the insurance company, not you.

If your injuries result from a negligent truck accident, do not settle for less than you deserve. Instead, contact Goodman Acker without delay.

Common Causes of St. Clair Shores Truck Accidents

Truck accident lawyers help victims pursue compensation for accidents caused by negligence. Proving negligence requires identifying the core cause of the tragic accident and all parties responsible for the resulting harm.

Trucks of all types and sizes transport goods and materials. While the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) governs trucking industry rules and regulations, one act of negligence changes lives instantly.

Tractor trailers, semi-trucks, dump trucks, and other trucks require carefully trained drivers and proper maintenance. An absence of either is evident in the following examples:

  • Drowsy driving: Failure to adhere to the FMCSA regulations for hours of service may cause drivers to drift to sleep and into your lane.
  • Distracted driving: Distractions inside and outside the cab of a truck affect a driver’s visual, cognitive, and manual capabilities.
  • Aggressive driving: A speeding or aggressive truck driver can quickly lose control of their truck, resulting in a devastating crash.
  • Drunk driving: A commercial truck driver risks their license and the lives of others when they choose to drink and drive.
  • Poorly maintained brakes: Large, heavy trucks require time to come to a complete stop, making properly maintained brakes necessary and mandatory.
  • Worn tires or other faulty parts: Consistent truck maintenance is crucial for protecting truck drivers and other road users from life-altering harm.

Truck driver behavior is unpredictable. There is no way to know if a truck driver next to you is impaired, tired, distracted, or otherwise dangerous.

A traumatic collision can leave you or a loved one with devastating and costly injuries. Rising medical costs make it crucial that you fight for fair compensation.

Unfortunately, there are no second chances to file additional legal action once your case settles or a jury awards you compensation. This makes it imperative that you pursue the best outcome possible for your case now.

If you or a loved one suffered harm due to one or more of the above reasons, you deserve justice and compensation for your damages. St. Clair Shores truck accident attorneys have the tools, skills, and experience you need to fight for what you deserve.

If you suffered severe harm in a St. Clair Shores truck accident, get help from Goodman Acker. Protect your rights, and do not settle for less than you deserve.

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Michigan Truck Accidents: FAQs

A St. Clair Shores truck accident attorney answers frequently asked questions:

How much does a St. Clair Shores truck accident attorney cost?

Goodman Acker collects no legal fees until we secure compensation for you.

If I accept a settlement, can I sue later if my medical condition worsens?

No. If you accept a settlement, you cannot pursue additional compensation if you develop complications due to your injuries. Fighting for the best possible outcome now is best for protecting your current and future medical care needs.

What types of damages are possible in a truck accident case?

Common types of damages in a truck accident case include medical costs, ongoing medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

How long does a civil case take?

The length of your civil case depends upon the details of your accident, the negotiation process, and whether your case goes to trial.

Each St. Clair Shores truck accident case is different. A free case consultation can help you learn if you have a case and how to proceed with a claim or lawsuit. Truck accident lawyers in St. Clair Shores stand ready to review your accident and your possible legal options.

Michigan Statute of Limitations

Why Time Is of the Utmost Importance

The Michigan statute of limitations allows victims three years to pursue a personal injury lawsuit. The three-year time period begins at the moment of injury.

A St. Clair Shores truck accident disrupts your world. Any daily routines are now forgotten as you focus on medical appointments and procedures. The resulting chaos that follows a truck accident can cause anyone to lose track of time.

Your attorney can ensure your lawsuit is filed before the statute of limitations expires. This attention to a most critical legal detail is vital for protecting your rights. You may miss your chance to pursue compensation if you fail to file your lawsuit promptly.

St. Clair Shores Truck Accidents And Wrongful Death

The Emotional And Complex Nature of Wrongful Death Cases

A fatal truck accident leaves families grieving and seeking justice for their loved one’s untimely death. If you lost a close loved one due to a negligent truck driver, you may be entitled to pursue a wrongful death claim or lawsuit.

Compensation for your loss cannot fill the emotional void left by their death. However, a successful wrongful death case can provide financial compensation for unexpected expenses.

Average funeral costs are in the thousands and something for which far too many families are not prepared. Additionally, the loss of income and companionship a partner provides are other types of damages you may want to include.

Michigan wrongful death cases and law are complex and best left to an experienced attorney. Highly emotional for families, these cases are too difficult to manage alone.

A compassionate St. Clair Shores wrongful death attorney helps victims’ families move forward through the legal process. The statute of limitations for wrongful death lawsuits is the same as those for personal injury: three years.

Your period of mourning can make this time pass in a blur. Protect your best interests by contacting Goodman Acker soon after your loved one’s death.

Get Help from Goodman Acker today!

Your St. Clair Shores Truck Accident Attorneys

A truck accident caused by negligence is likely preventable had the driver or company used care. However, the impact on your life is tragic and deserving of justice.

If a truck driver is criminally charged for their reckless actions, you may still pursue a civil case. A criminal case does not impact your ability to seek compensation for your damages.

A Goodman Acker attorney can help you understand the legal process. Your attorney is on your side and by your side throughout. We stand up to insurance companies and up for our clients.

Time is one of the most vital aspects of your case. Therefore, the sooner you contact Goodman Acker for a free case consultation, the better we can prepare your case.

Your truck accident injuries or loss demand accountability. Fight for what you deserve with our help. Call for your free case consultation today: (248) 286-8100.

Attorney Barry Goodman


Barry J. Goodman has devoted his professional life to keeping courthouse doors open for victims seeking justice. Always a tireless advocate for his own clients, Goodman sees his responsibility as a Detroit personal injury attorney in a broader sense as well. [ Attorney Bio ]


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