- September 8, 2017

What Is Medicaid?
Medicaid is a federal-state health insurance program. It serves low-income, needy people, including the disabled, blind, and aged. It also provides financial support to needy children and others who qualify for federally assisted income programs. It is designed to provide health coverage to people who cannot afford traditional health insurance plans.
What Is the Difference Between Medicare & Medicaid?
Medicare is a health insurance program offered to people who are 65 years of age and older. It is also offered to people under the age of 65 who suffer from severe disabilities. Furthermore, it is not dependent on your income.
However, Medicaid is dependent on the total amount of income you receive. It is only available to people with a low income who are deemed needy. Thus, people receiving SSDI benefits are generally not eligible for Medicaid because their income would be above the limit. However, some people may be eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. This is known as dual eligibility, and the two programs may be combined to provide health coverage for low-income families and individuals.
How Does Medicaid Work?
Unlike Medicare, which has a 2-year waiting period for those receiving SSDI benefits, Medicaid imposes no waiting period. This means, as soon as you become entitled to SSI payments, you will become eligible for Medicaid coverage. While certain states use their own guidelines for determining eligibility standards for Medicaid enrollment, the majority of states (about 2/3) comply with the federal eligibility standards. For these states, the application for SSI is considered the same as the application for Medicaid.
When you apply for SSI, your state will send you a notification concerning your eligibility for Medicaid coverage. You will be able to receive coverage in the same month as you receive SSI benefits. Some states require an additional application for Medicaid. However, most states, including Michigan, provide automatic enrollment to recipients of SSI benefits.
Contact Goodman Acker P.C. Today
At Goodman Acker P.C., we have more than 75 years of legal experience. Our Detroit Social Security attorneys have guided numerous clients through Social Security legal issues, and we can discuss your options for pursuing the medical coverage you need. If your SSDI claim has been denied, or you are facing other legal problems regarding Social Security, we can provide diligent representation from start to finish.
Contact our office today for a free case review.