Michigan Personal Injury Lawyer

Ypsilanti Car Accident Lawyer


Personal Injury Results







Fighting for Your Fair and Full Compensation

Being involved in a car accident is stressful and traumatic. After an accident, you might be saddled with huge medical bills, missed time at work, and other expenses and effects that can be crushing financially. In such cases, it is critical to speak with a Ypsilanti car accident lawyer who can help you recover compensation and ensure you are not held financially responsible for an accident you did not cause.

While many car accident lawyers are in Ypsilanti and Michigan, finding a law firm with a reputation for success and a team of compassionate, experienced attorneys can be challenging. At Goodman Acker, our Ypsilanti car accident lawyers have a record of standing up for their clients, pursuing justice, and accepting only maximum client settlements.

So, call us at (248)-286-8100 and ask for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help.

Why Choose Ypsilanti, MI, Car Accident Lawyers?

Our Car Accident Lawyers in Ypsilanti, MI, have over 150+ years of combined legal experience representing victims of car accidents. We handle each case on its merits and have a success rate of 99%. Our knowledge of the Michigan car accident and Personal Injury laws and experience makes us the right people to help you get the maximum compensation.

The car accident lawyers at Goodman Acker will aggressively and compassionately fight for you until they get a successful outcome.

But you do not have to take our word for it. The Testimonials of our satisfied clients speak to our competence and track record. Also, we have won millions of dollars in compensation and will continue striving to deliver the best legal services to our clients.

We are available 24/7 for client emergencies, and you do not have to worry about consultation fees as the initial one is free. Call us at (248)-286-8100 today to schedule a free consultation.

What Causes Car Accidents in Ypsilanti, MI?

Car accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, and Truck Accidents are all caused due to the negligence of road users. Negligence on the road manifests in different ways, including the following:

  • Drunk driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Tailgating
  • Speeding
  • Running red lights/disobeying stop signs
  • Weaving in and out of traffic
  • Road rage, etc.

Each of these actions can result in crashes that lead to injuries or deaths. As our car accident lawyers in Ypsilanti have discovered, wounds suffered in auto collisions are minor or severe. Crash victims can sustain Spinal Cord Injuries, Traumatic Brain Injuries, broken bones, cuts and abrasions, internal bleeding, whiplash, etc.

The more severe the wound, the higher the compensation you receive. This is because a person with a spinal cord injury may require life-long care, while someone with whiplash will get better after days or weeks. However, this should not deter you from seeking compensation after a crash. Our car accident attorneys in Ypsilanti can help you receive a settlement even for minor injuries.

What Should I Do After a Car Accident in Ypsilanti?

Knowing what to do after a car accident is critical to keeping you safe, preventing further harm, and protecting your case. Follow these steps to ensure you take all actions possible to recover full compensation from the at-fault party.

Call 911 and Seek Medical Attention

After a car accident, call 911 or have a bystander call 911. If you are injured, avoid moving so you do not aggravate your injuries. Speak to the police about how the accident happened and allow the EMT to examine you. Also, get treated at the hospital and record the medical care and evaluation you receive, as it is crucial to establishing the severity of your injuries and medical expenses.

Get the Contact Information of the Other Driver and Witnesses

If you can, obtain contact information from other drivers involved in the accident. You need their name, address, vehicle registration number, and insurance details. If there are witnesses to the crash, also get their contact information if you need them to testify on your behalf. If you cannot do any of this due to your injuries, you can find the information in the police’s accident report.

Document the Crash Scene

If your injuries allow you to move around, document the accident scene by taking pictures of your car’s damage and injuries. Also, try to capture tire treads, and if you have a dash cam, secure the footage before it deletes. All these make up the evidence for your car accident claim and go a long way in your case’s success.

Notify Your Insurance Company

Michigan is a no-fault state, meaning that you primarily must rely on your insurance coverage before seeking compensation from the at-fault party. Therefore, notify your insurance company that you were in an accident. Stick to the facts, as insurance companies often use what you tell them to minimize the value of your claim.

Contact a Ypsilanti Car Accident Attorney

Most accident victims handle their cases alone until they make a mess. Teaming up with a Ypsilanti car accident attorney early on is smart. An attorney can take calls from insurance companies and work through the processes of filing and protecting your case.

Damages Our Car Accident Lawyers in Ypsilanti Can Help You Recover

Car accidents result in injuries and considerable expenses for accident victims. By filing a claim or lawsuit, our Ypsilanti car accident lawyers can help you to get compensation. The money that our attorneys can help you recover includes economic damages, which are quantifiable, calculable expenses, such as:

  • Medical bills, therapy costs, and future medical expenses
  • Loss of income
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Cost of repairing damaged property like your car.

Our Ypsilanti car accident lawyer can help you reclaim non-economic damages, which are non-quantifiable and non-monetary losses. Examples are:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Permanent disability and scarring
  • Loss of consortium and companionship for married victims.

Every car accident case is unique, and you may have additional damages that your case qualifies for. Consulting with our car accident lawyers in Ypsilanti can help determine the compensation you deserve.

Will Michigan’s No-Fault Insurance Rule Apply to My Case?

As a no-fault car accident state, car owners in Michigan must purchase insurance that covers at least some expenses in the event of an accident. This way, insurance will pay for some costs and damages no matter who caused the accident.

Do not burden yourself with insurance negotiations after you have been hurt in a car accident. Let our Ypsilanti car accident attorney handle your case.

No-fault insurance gets car accident victims compensation more quickly. Injury victims can turn to their insurance coverage instead of filing a claim against or suing another driver. However, your insurance policy may not cover all your damages from the accident, especially if you sustained severe injuries.

You can file a compensation claim against the at-fault party in such an instance. You can also take legal action if your injuries led to a disability or disfigurement or if your case qualifies for exemplary damages. Those who lose loved ones in a car crash can file a wrongful death lawsuit, whether or not the deceased has insurance coverage.

Car Accidents FAQs

If you have been in a car accident, you probably have more than just a few questions for our Ypsilanti car accident lawyer. Below are several common questions that can help you find answers to your inquiries.

What Is a Fair Settlement for My Car Accident Case? 

Knowing a case’s exact value is impossible without considering the conditions and factors involved. As a general estimate, multiply the sum of all your damages (medical bills, auto repairs, etc.) by three. What you get may approximate the value of your case.

Why Should I Work with a Ypsilanti Car Accident Attorney at Goodman Acker?

Our Ypsilanti car accident lawyers at Goodman Acker have the experience and knowledge to win cases and help secure compensation for accident victims. Car accident claims are not always straightforward and require a lawyer’s experience and expertise.

Do I Still Have a Case If I Was Partially at Fault for My Ypsilanti Car Accident? 

Yes, in many cases. Michigan follows a modified comparative negligence rule. This means that even if you were partially to blame for your accident, you might still be able to recover compensation via a claim or lawsuit if the extent of your fault does not exceed 50%.

Will I Always Be Able to Obtain Compensation After an Accident?

Not every car accident case results in compensation. You must have actual damages, meaning monetary expenses from the accident, to get a settlement.

How Can Goodman Acker’s Car Accident Lawyers in Ypsilanti, MI, Help Me?

Our car accident attorneys understand how life-altering auto crashes can be and will do all they can within the law to get you justice. As a result, our lawyers will handle the following:

  • Identification of the at-fault party or parties.
  • Investigation of the claim and gathering of pertinent evidence.
  • Administrative tasks and filing of the relevant paperwork.
  • Calling witnesses to testify if the case gets to trial.
  • Negotiations with the at-fault party so you do not get a lowball settlement.
  • Represent you in court during a trial.

Our Ypsilanti car accident attorney is your best option to get what you deserve when pursuing a car accident claim. We will use all our resources to fight for you and not quit until we win.

Get Help from Our Ypsilanti Car Accident Lawyer

By teaming up with our car accident attorneys in Ypsilanti, you will give yourself and your case the best chances at full compensation. Our experienced legal team at Goodman Acker will answer all your questions, handle insurance negotiations, review evidence to build a strong case, and help you obtain the damages you deserve.

Call our Ypsilanti car accident attorneys at (248)-286-8100 and request a free consultation today.

Attorney Barry Goodman


Barry J. Goodman has devoted his professional life to keeping courthouse doors open for victims seeking justice. Always a tireless advocate for his own clients, Goodman sees his responsibility as a Detroit personal injury attorney in a broader sense as well. [ Attorney Bio ]