Dogs are man’s best friend until they bite someone. When that happens, a beloved creature becomes a dangerous menace. And if you or your child are on the wrong side of those teeth, the consequences could be terrifying. Even the weakest of dogs can do significant damage to a person. And when a dog bites, it rarely stops biting until it has caused significant harm. If you or a loved one suffered dog bite injuries, a Southfield dog bite lawyer from Goodman Acker, P.C. can help you seek justice and compensation. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your legal options.
Contact us online or at (248) 831-1507 to schedule a free consultation today with our dedicated, seasoned Dog Bite Attorneys in Southfield
At Goodman Acker, we don’t think of ourselves as lawyers who happen to work in Southfield. We think of ourselves as part of the Southfield community first. Giving back to our neighbors and being a part of the community has always been the highest priority at Goodman Acker. And that is why we take it so personally when anyone in our community suffers a dog bite. You aren’t just a client. You are a friend, neighbor, or relative. That means you deserve to be protected and served by a law firm with experienced attorneys you can trust.
And that is what we aspire to every day. We don’t just want to win cases. We want to help the members of our community fully recover from the harm they suffered. We want to be the first name that comes to mind when they talk about law firms they can trust to protect themselves and their loved ones. We do this by:
You don’t need to take our word for this. We invite you to speak to any of our past clients, read their testimonials, or watch the news reports about our law firm and past cases. At Goodman Acker, we are proud of the reputation we have earned in Southfield and nearby areas.
Many Southfield residents may be surprised to learn how prevalent dog bite attacks are in our community and across the nation. Each year in the United States, an estimated 4.7 million people fall victim to dog bites. This translates to approximately 1,100 individuals requiring emergency medical attention every day due to these incidents. Alarmingly, about 14,000 people are hospitalized annually for severe dog bite injuries.
The health risks associated with dog bites are significant. Nearly one in five dog bite wounds become infected, leading to potentially serious complications. Even more concerning, between 30 to 50 cases result in fatalities each year, underscoring the grave nature of some of these attacks.
The financial impact of dog bites is equally staggering. On average, a hospital stay for a dog bite injury costs around $19,000—notably higher than many other accident-related injuries. Collectively, dog bite victims in the U.S. face financial losses of up to $2.5 billion annually.
When it comes to seeking compensation, most dog bite claims are covered by the dog owner’s homeowners’ insurance policy. Insurance companies pay out approximately $1 billion in dog bite liability claims to victims each year.
At Goodman Acker P.C., our Southfield dog bite lawyers understand that not all dog bites are equal. The severity of a dog bite can vary widely, which is why medical and legal professionals often refer to the “Six Degrees of Dog Bites.” Understanding these degrees can help victims comprehend the seriousness of their injuries and the potential compensation they may be entitled to.
Common injuries from dog bites include:
Remember, even seemingly minor dog bites can lead to serious complications if not properly treated. If you’ve been bitten by a dog in Southfield, seek medical attention immediately, then contact our office to discuss your legal options.
Michigan’s dog bite laws are designed to protect victims and hold owners accountable. As a Southfield resident, it’s imperative to understand these laws if you or a loved one has been involved in a dog bite incident:
Michigan Statute MCL 287.351 establishes a “strict liability” standard for dog bites. This means that in Southfield and throughout the state, dog owners are held responsible for injuries their pets cause, regardless of the dog’s previous behavior or the owner’s awareness of any aggressive tendencies. However, this rule doesn’t apply if the victim was trespassing or deliberately provoking the animal.
To pursue a dog bite claim in Southfield, you must be able to show:
The circumstances of where the bite occurred are significant:
The concept of provocation is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. It may include intentional physical actions or threatening behavior towards the dog. However, accidental actions that upset the dog, like unintentionally stepping on its paw, typically don’t disqualify you from seeking compensation.
To file a successful claim, it’s essential to correctly identify the dog’s owner. In some situations, property owners or landlords in Southfield might be held liable if they were aware of a dangerous dog on their premises.
At Goodman Acker P.C., our Southfield dog bite lawyers are well-versed in these laws and can help you navigate the complexities of your case. We’re committed to ensuring Southfield residents understand their rights and receive fair compensation for their injuries.
While it’s crucial to remember that any dog, regardless of breed, has the potential to bite, certain breeds have been observed to display more aggressive tendencies. In Southfield, some of the breeds that often require extra caution include:
Southfield, like the rest of Michigan, does not have breed-specific legislation. This means there are no legal restrictions on owning particular dog breeds within the city limits, even those with reputations for aggression. The only exception to this rule in Michigan applies to wolf-dog hybrids.
However, Southfield residents should be aware that some insurance providers take breed into account when determining homeowners’ policy rates. Certain companies may increase premiums or even decline coverage for incidents involving what they classify as “high-risk” breeds. This can potentially impact a dog owner’s liability coverage in the event of a bite incident.
If a dog in Southfield has injured you, you may be entitled to significant compensation. The experienced dog bite lawyers at Goodman Acker P.C. work tirelessly to ensure you receive fair and comprehensive compensation for your injuries. Here are the types of damages typically available to dog bite victims in Southfield:
Each case is unique, and the compensation you may receive depends on the specific circumstances of your incident and the severity of your injuries.
Typically, the homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy covers acts of violence by animals owned by the policyholder, even if the animal wasn’t at their home when the bite occurred. If we can’t track down the owner of the dog, one of your insurance policies might cover your damages.
We may be able to negotiate a settlement with the dog owner’s insurance company and get you all the compensation you need. But typically, we will have to at least file a lawsuit as part of your claim, even if we end up settling out of court.
Unfortunately, when a dog bites someone, a judge typically orders the dog to be killed within 48 hours. Some people are hesitant to report a dog bite because they don’t want the dog to die, but letting it go just puts more Southfield residents in danger.
If a loved one dies in a dog attack, we can get you compensation for that loss in wrongful death lawsuit against the owner of the dog. While money won’t bring back your loved one, it can help you get emotional therapy and replace their lost income.
They might be if they were negligent concerning their dog. A dog owner in Michigan must take appropriate action to protect others from being harmed by their dog. If they don’t, they will be charged with a misdemeanor or felony, depending on how much harm the dog caused.
Southfield is a wonderful community with friendly people and lovely parks and attractions. This makes it a great place to own a dog. Most dog owners are extremely responsible, caring for their pets and the people around them. However, not everyone is so responsible.
If you or a loved one were bitten because of a Southfield dog owner’s negligence, you shouldn’t have to pay for your medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses out of your savings. Consult our Southfiled personal injury attorneys at (248) 831-1507 or through our online form for a free consultation to learn how we can help you get the money you deserve.
Contact us online, and let us safeguard your rights and future.
Two Towne Square SUITE 444
Southfield, MI 48076
(248) 831-1507